Kamis, 17 Agustus 2023

Incompetent Leader

Kamis, 17 Agustus 2023

 As the sun rose on yet another day, the inhabitants of the small town groaned in unison. Their leader, a bumbling fool with the charisma of a damp rag and the strategic prowess of a blind kitten, had once again led them to ruin.

The previous day had been an absolute disaster. Their town was known for its beautiful gardens and well-manicured parks, but yesterday, their beloved leader had decided to conduct a "landscaping experiment" without consulting anyone. What had resulted was a barren wasteland of uprooted plants, damaged trees, and a sickening stench of gasoline.

It wasn't the first time the people of this town had faced the incompetence of their leader. The man was notorious for his poor decision-making skills, his tendency to ignore advice and his blatant disregard for his citizens' well-being. People were afraid to voice their opinions in fear of repercussions. In their minds, the only way to survive under his rule was to keep quiet and endure the daily blunders.

However, things were about to change. A group of citizens, fed up with the leadership, had banded together to overthrow their ruler. They planned their every move with the precision of a surgeon. And finally, the day had come to execute their plan.

The people had gathered in the town square. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow on the faces of the crowd. In the middle stood their leader, oblivious to what was coming. The people had planned it so that the only person in the square was their incompetent leader, leaving no collateral damage. And then, with one swift motion, he was surrounded by a mob of angry citizens. In that moment, his face crumpled with fear and he begged for mercy.

As they dragged him out of the town, he screamed, "I don't understand, what did I do wrong?" And the crowd replied in unison, "Everything!"

The sun had long since set when they reached the edge of town. And as they kicked him out of the town's borders, the crowd turned and went back home, relieved and elated. For they knew that with that incompetent leader out of the picture, their town could finally grow into the beautiful place they had always dreamed of.

Simple Sentence:

Gak mau berlama-lama begini

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