Minggu, 17 September 2023

Telling About a Plan to The Wrong Person

Minggu, 17 September 2023

 I stood outside the coffee shop, anxiously waiting for my friend to arrive. We were going to meet up and plan our upcoming surprise party for our other friend's birthday. As I waited, I couldn't help but feel excited and giddy about our plan.

Just then, I saw someone walking towards me and assumed it was my friend. I started telling her all about our plan, how we were going to sneak into our friend's house and decorate it with balloons and streamers, and how we were going to bake her a cake. The woman seemed interested and asked me questions about our friend, so I thought nothing of it and continued chatting.

It wasn't until she looked at me oddly and introduced herself as someone I'd never met before that I realized my mistake. I had just revealed all our plans to a complete stranger!

I felt my face flush with embarrassment and immediately regretted my blunder. The woman, clearly amused by my mistake, reassured me that she wouldn't tell anyone and walked away.

I was mortified and knew I had to tell my friend what happened. I decided to spin it in a positive light and told her that our secret plan was so good, even a stranger was interested in it. She laughed it off and we continued planning, making sure to keep it strictly between ourselves from that point on.

Lesson learned - always make sure you're telling your plans to the right person!

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